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Alpha Launch of Parallel::Supervisor Perl Module

Update (Aug 23): Fixed a test for Win32 and clarified documentation. Updated the URL below to point to a local copy of the latest revision.
Update (Aug 22): I made some major revisions over the weekend and submitted this to CPAN. I updated the URL below to point to a local copy of the latest revision.

I'm currently looking for advice before submitting my code to CPAN and unleashing it upon the world, but the alpha version of my first module is ready. I wrote it to scratch an itch for a project - none of the other solutions seemed to do quite what I wanted, and some were overkill.

From the readme:
Parallel-Supervisor version 0.01

This module was written to provide a simple way to manage tasks run
in parallel using any of a number of techniques, such as fork(), or
any of the other Parallel modules. It simplifies managing a collection
of processes and provides a uni-directional pipe to allow the child
to communicate with the parent. It is not intended or replace more
sophisticated solutions such as POE, Proc::Launcher, or Supervisor.

Your Parallel::Supervisor object essentially holds a collection of
structs representing the children, and provides methods for setup,
access, and teardown of child tasks.

Please see the perldoc for more details.
The current release can be downloaded here:
Also available by doing:
  svn co

If you would like to help, please download and install - or at least run `make test` and let me know if any tests fail on your platform. (If so, please provide details!) Any feedback is welcome. I am still unsure whether the module is named properly - it is certainly very different from the Supervisor module, so it might better be named Parallel::Juggler or Proc::Manager or something. Thoughts?
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# Re: Alpha Launch of Parallel::Supervisor Perl Module

variety, <> / 20 August 2010  

mostly pretty good for a first-time perl module. some stylistic comments appear below. (unfortunately my tabs -- which are really hard spaces of course -- are getting clobbered for some reason).

package Parallel::Supervisor;
# good
use strict;
use warnings;
# don't bother with this for now:
# use 5;
# it's not needed, and not really meaningful unlesss you're
# aiming for backward compatability with some (recent-ish) version
# of Perl 5. In which case the syntax would be:
# require 5.6;
# or variants thereof. but again this is neither here nor there for now.

# ..

# just put the VERSION declaration on one line - don't bother with
# the extra BEGIN block unless there's a reason for it
our $VERSION = "0.01";

# rewritten to be more idiomatic
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {
'STRUCTS' => {}, # children ready to run (idx name)
'PROCESSES' => {}, # children running (idx pid)
'FINISHED' => {}, # children finished running (idx name)
'NAMES' => {} # index on running child names (idx pid)
}, $class

## like the other person said, definitely return hash references,
## rather than full blown hashes

# returns hash of all the jobs prepared but not attached
sub structs {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{STRUCTS}

sub prepare {
# yes, there are mulitple ways to peal these off the stack; but
# often it's better to be clear by declaring a few interim args:
my ($self, $name, @cmd_args) = @_;
# btw it's better to do this join below, closer to where
# it's needed. you probably do want to verify that these
# args are allo defined, but other than that, thee basic
# syntax you chose was fine:
# my $cmd = join ' ', @cmd_args;
# however it could be a bit tighter:
my $cmd = "@cmd_args"; # same effect

return undef unless defined $name;
return undef if $self->is_ready($name);

# umm, you'll probably want to warn or confess (see the Carp module)
# on these child errors, yes?
my $child_writer = Symbol::geniosym;
return undef if $?;
# also, consider using English module:
use English;
my $parent_reader = Symbol::geniosym;
return undef if $CHILD_ERROR; # same thing

#### Setup IPC
# causes Illegal seek, but safe to ignore?
pipe( $parent_reader , $child_writer );


# you might want to make your hashes a bit more tightly spaced.
# also, the single arrow, while not strictly required, does make
# things a bit more consistent wrt hash derefs:
$self->{STRUCTS}->{$name} = {
'id' => $name,
'cmd' => $cmd,
'child_writer' => $child_writer,
'parent_reader' => $parent_reader

return 1;

sub is_ready {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
# this is wrong! it will still boolean-eval to true
# return undef unless (keys(%{$self->{STRUCTS}} ) );
# the grep you used works of course, but is somewhat
# unsatisfactory in that it forces a new array creation.
# instead maybe try this:
for ( keys(%{$self->{STRUCTS}} ) {
return 1 if $_ eq $name
return undef;

# ... skipping on down ...

# returns a list with pid of all active processes
sub get_pids {
my $self = shift;
# also wrong, because the unless clause always boolean-evals to true
# return @pids unless ($self->{PROCESSES});
# even if the hash is empty. anyway since the effect
# of the boolean false case is to return an empty
# array, you can just do this:
return keys %{$self->{PROCESSES}}

# ... all I have time for ...

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